Coloring book: Children

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More coloring books:

Coloring books are a classic pastime for children and also adults.
We present you our online coloring book on the theme “Children”. This coloring book is designed to appeal to children and includes various child-related themes such as playing outside or spending time with friends. It contains a number of different characters, locations and activities.

This online coloring book offers a variety of features to stimulate the imagination and creativity of young users. With the coloring templates with pictures of children, toys, animals,… children can engage in endless artistic adventures.
The coloring book offers a wide range of bright colors and different brush sizes to bring their masterpieces to life.
It encourages the development of fine motor skills, promotes self-expression and concentration, and fosters a love of art.


The operation of our coloring books is quite simple:
On the home page, select the image you want to color.
If you then also click on this icon
you switch to full screen mode – there you have even more space.

With this button

you can enlarge the image (to see details even more precisely and to be able to color them).

Use the arrow keys to the left or the arrow keys on the keyboard to quickly move the image to the desired position.

On the right side of the window you will find the color palette – just click on the desired color to select it.
With the arrows below you can choose between several palettes.

You can set the width of the pen to the left of the image.

At the top you can turn music on and off.

You can also find more detailed instructions on the Instructions page.

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